Bob Anderson
Bob Anderson
Top Movie Cast
An Epic At Sea: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearltrue- Self Welcome to Sherwood! The Story of 'The Adventures of Robin Hood'true- Self - Sword Master The Empire Strikes Backtrue- Imperial Officer (uncredited) The Three Musketeerstrue- King's Fencing Instructor (uncredited) A Passage to Middle-Earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings'true- Self, swordmaster Some Girls Dotrue- Senior Aerodynamics Engineer (uncredited) Doctor Who: The Enemy of the Worldtrue- Fighting Guard Die Another Day: From Script to Screentrue- Self The Making of The Fellowship of the Ringtrue- Self Reclaiming the Bladetrue- Self Unmasking Zorrotrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
Highlander: CounterfeittrueCrew
Highlander: Unholy AlliancetrueCrew
Return of the JeditrueCrew
The Empire Strikes BacktrueCrew
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingtrueCrew
A.I. Artificial IntelligencetrueCamera