Terry Sanders
Terry Sanders
Top Movie Cast
The Making of 'The Night of the Hunter'true- Self Top Movie Crew
The Naked and the DeadtrueWriting
Return with HonortrueWriting
Return with HonortrueDirecting
To Live or Let DietrueDirecting
Never Give Up: The 20th Century Odyssey of Herbert ZippertrueDirecting
Four Stones for KanemitsutrueDirecting
Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human RecordtrueWriting
Four Stones for KanemitsutrueCrew
Never Give Up: The 20th Century Odyssey of Herbert ZippertrueWriting
Never Give Up: The 20th Century Odyssey of Herbert ZippertrueProduction
Lillian Gish: The Actor's Life for MetrueDirecting
Crime and Punishment USAtrueProduction
Liza, Liza, Skies Are GreytrueProduction
Wrestling with Angels: Playwright Tony KushnertrueProduction
Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human RecordtrueDirecting
Rose Kennedy: A Life to RemembertrueDirecting
Rose Kennedy: A Life to RemembertrueProduction
Bird by Bird with Annie: A Film Portrait of Writer Anne LamotttrueCrew
A Time Out of WartrueEditing
A Time Out of WartrueProduction
Liza, Liza, Skies Are GreytrueDirecting
Liza, Liza, Skies Are GreytrueWriting
A Time Out of WartrueCamera
Subject: NarcoticstrueDirecting
The Legend of Marilyn MonroetrueDirecting
Into the Future: On the Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic AgetrueDirecting
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