Griffith Brewer
Griffith Brewer
Top Movie Cast
Out of Controltrue- Elvin The Sum of All Fearstrue- Burn Victim Heritage Minutes: Jean Nicollettrue- Additional Cast Tourist Go Hometrue- Himself The Carpentertrue- Doctor Flanders Promise Her Anythingtrue- Minister Doyle Possible Worldstrue- Caretaker Happy Birthday to Metrue- Verger Between Sweet and Salt Watertrue 36 Hours to Dietrue- Vinnie In Praise of Older Womentrue- The Fiacre Driver Heritage Minutes: Halifax Explosiontrue- Lovett The Amityville Cursetrue- Local The Peanut Butter Solutiontrue- Tom Café Olétrue- Mr. Sagaris Homesteading on the Prairiestrue- Narrator (voice)