Lynne Adams
Lynne Adams
Top Movie Cast
Nowhere in Sighttrue- Ellie Johnny Mnemonictrue- Yakuza with Rocket Launcher Airspeedtrue- Marylin Stone The Carpentertrue- Alice Jarett Ford: The Man and the Machinetrue- Eleanor Blood Relationstrue- Sharon Dead Silenttrue- Social Worker Exit 67true- Travailleuse Social Time Bombtrue- FBI Agent Lawton Dead Innocenttrue- Del Rainman Time at the Toptrue- Nora Walker / Nina Shawson Requiem for Murdertrue- Det. Samantha Parks Cruising Bartrue- Jessica Frankenstein and Metrue- Aileen Russo The Ultimate Weapontrue- Lorrie Still Life: A Three Pines Mysterytrue- Reine-Marie Gamache Hidden Agendatrue- Prosecutor The Secrettrue- Resto Woman Dark Phoenixtrue- NASA Flight Director A Life Interruptedtrue- Carolyn Maloney One Police Plazatrue- Iris Chasing Holdentrue- Post mistress Shattered Glasstrue- Kelly's Colleague Christie's Revengetrue- Detective Adams Psychopathtrue- Laura Carmichael Possible Worldstrue- Colleague Street Smarttrue- Reporter Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Livestrue- Mitch Fatmantrue- Pet Shop Owner