Kōjiro Shirakawa
Kōjiro Shirakawa
Top Movie Cast
Third Generation Bosstrue Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue- Furuya Makoto Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshimatrue- Sukefuji Nobuyuki Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tacticstrue- Tokio Kusuda Yakuza Graveyardtrue- Asai A Savage Beast Goes Madtrue Trials of an Okinawa Villagetrue Samurai Reincarnationtrue Dangerous Trade in Kobetrue The Cross of Vengeancetrue Operation Plazma in Osakatrue The Street Fightertrue- Inspector Chan The Viper Brothers and the Young Generaltrue Kogarashi Monjiro 2: Secret of Monjiro's Birthtrue- Hanji The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gangtrue