Tamara Muzhenko
Tamara Muzhenko
Top Movie Cast
Take Alivetrue- compatriot Romashkina Ночной таверны огонёкtrue Let's Talk, Brother...true Return of the "Battleship"true Экзамен на директораtrue- Galina Pavlovna Прыгоды Несцеркіtrue- Ганна (voice) Brother, Find Brother!true- podyachikha Scourge of Godtrue- conductor Сергеев ищет Сергееваtrue- Sergeyev's Neighbor Schedule for the Day After Tomorrowtrue Street of the Youngest Sontrue Brunette for 30 Centstrue Captain Lie-Deviltrue- Episodic role The Sails of My Childhoodtrue I'll Take Your Paintrue- колхозница Свободное кино. Фестиваль короткометражных фильмовtrue- бабушка Коли Was There Karotin?true- соседка Курнатовой-Борджиа