Aleftina Evdokimova
Aleftina Evdokimova
Top Movie Cast
Couriertrue- Katya's mother Chanita's Kisstrue- Angela Humiliated and Insultedtrue- Natasha The Northern Lighttrue- Cora Cry of Silencetrue- Глафира Дрицына продавщица I'm Donetrue- Vova's Mother Colonel Zorin Versiontrue- Анна - любовница Козырца The Maltese Crosstrue- Natalya Pavlovna Полынь - трава горькаяtrue Lasted, lasted, charm …true Little People of the Bolshevik Lane, or I Want Beertrue The Uninvited Friendtrue- Lyudmila Mission in Kabultrue- worker of embassy Серебряный тренерtrue- Tanya Lutenko