Lyudmila Ksenofontova
Lyudmila Ksenofontova
Top Movie Cast
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydetrue The Blue Birdtrue- Pleasure of knowing nothing Twinklestrue- miss Vakson Applause, Applause...true The Circus Burned Down and the Clowns Scatteredtrue Return of the "Battleship"true Jack Vosmyorkin, Americantrue- expert khimicheskoy laboratorii Russian Special Forcestrue- женщина в универсаме One Times Onetrue- Woman at the Wedding Prohindiada or running on the spottrue- гостья на свадьбе Flight 8585true- Вероника Мера пресеченияtrue- мать Павла Three Times About Lovetrue Farewell to Sankt Petersburgtrue Journey to Another Towntrue Devil, I'm Boredtrue- фламандская мегера The Strogovstrue- Agrafena Ivanovna Three Lemons For Loved Onetrue- пассажирка в ленинградском аэропорту