James Allen Brewer
James Allen Brewer
Top Movie Cast
Black Cat Whiskeytrue- Ron Sheridan Blood Relativetrue- Mr. McCabe The Redemption of Vincent Youngtrue- Terry The Home Invaderstrue- Scott Sanders Frankly a Messtrue- Lane Binner Zero to Heaventrue- Ricky Ryan and Sean's Not So Excellent Adventuretrue- English Guy The Rogues of Flat Oaktrue- Tubal Rogers The Infinity Projecttrue- President Baker A Doonesbury Specialtrue- Jimmy Thudpucker Incisiontrue- Dr. Gene Cunningham Top Movie Crew
The Rogues of Flat OaktrueProduction
The Rogues of Flat OaktrueSound
The Infinity ProjecttrueProduction
A Doonesbury SpecialtrueSound