Chikage Oogi
Chikage Oogi
Top Movie Cast
Three Generations of Yakuzatrue Last Days of the Samuraitrue- Omino Gale Winds! Tengu Karamatrue Teru hi kumoru hi dainihen Part 01true Four Sisterstrue- Misao Katagiri Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Lone Wolftrue Price of Beautytrue- Ayako Mikasa A Teapicker's Song of Goodbyetrue- (as Chikage Ogi) A Farewell to the Woman Called My Sistertrue- (as Chikage Ogi) Revenge of Jorurizaka 1: Attack at Onibushi Passtrue Revenge at Jorurizaka 2: Bloody Battle at Dawntrue Profound Desires of the Godstrue- Mrs. Kariya