Anthony Calf
Anthony Calf
Top Movie Cast
Doc Martin and the Legend of the Cloutietrue- Tim Bowden Partygatetrue- Sir Mark Sidwell Anna Kareninatrue- Serpuliovskoy I Came Bytrue- Superintendent William Roy My Night with Regtrue- John Straightheadstrue- Heffer The Falklands Playtrue- Robin Fearn (Head of Falkland Islands Department, Foreign Office) Private Livestrue- Victor Prynne Sisi & Itrue- Earl Spencer A Woman of the Northtrue- Hugo Aylva National Theatre Live: The Hard Problemtrue- Jerry Oxford Bluestrue- Gareth Rycroft The Madness of King Georgetrue- Fitzroy The Brides in the Bathtrue- Howard Munday Absolute Helltrue- Douglas Eden Beau Brummell: This Charming Mantrue- Duke of York The Man Who Knew Infinitytrue- Howard Riderstrue- Billy Lloyd-Foxe The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyletrue- Bryan Charles Walker The Children Acttrue- Mark Berner FairyTale: A True Storytrue- Geoffrey Hodson Lorna Doonetrue- Tom Faggus King Leartrue- Duke of Albany To Catch a Kingtrue- Butterfly Man Doctor Who: The Visitationtrue- Charles The Fools on the Hilltrue- Leslie Mitchell