Biff Yeager
Biff Yeager
Top Movie Cast
Edward Scissorhandstrue- George The President's Mistresstrue- Cabbie Straight to Helltrue- Frank McMahon Sid and Nancytrue- Detective Francestrue- Motorcycle Cop The Gumshoe Kidtrue- Capt. Billings Dead Man Walkingtrue- Security Man Repo Chicktrue- Golf Course Guard Aftermath: A Test of Lovetrue- Nelson Zenner Ghost Writertrue- Officer #1 Emergency Roomtrue- Mr. Hawkins Roadside Prophetstrue- Bartender Ed Woodtrue- Rude Boss (uncredited) Girls Just Want to Have Funtrue- Mr. Malene Headless Body in Topless Bartrue- Joe Annihilatortrue- FBI Agent #1 White Oleandertrue- Judge Bloodlines: Murder in the Familytrue- Marshall Batman Returnstrue- Security 2 Night Lifetrue- Paramedic #1 Moondancetrue- Deputy Roth Banzai Runnertrue- Graham Blood & Flesh: The Reel Life & Ghastly Death of Al Adamsontrue Suburbicontrue- Mr. Karger The Steel Collar Mantrue- Truck Driver #1 Sins of the Mothertrue- Market Manager Uncle Tom's Cabintrue- Legree's Man F/X2true- Police Sergeant Another 48 Hrs.true- County Sheriff Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Styletrue- Vincent Jensen