Ted Whittall
Ted Whittall
Top Movie Cast
Out of Controltrue- Chuck Web of Liestrue- Michael Brobin Hidden Agendatrue- Sonny Mathis The Other Womantrue- Derek Plumley Random Acts of Romancetrue- Richard The Pregnancy Projecttrue- Principal Trevor The Book of Evetrue- Martin Elkins Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassistrue- Charles Bartlett Do You Know Metrue- David Carter No Ordinary Babytrue- Dr Stuart Mcelroy Stolen Miracletrue- Doctor Blaine Against the Wildtrue- Robert Wade Pet Sematary: Bloodlinestrue- Hospital Visitor Agent of Influencetrue- Robert Madison Flirting with Fortytrue- Dr. Sonnet Spinning Out of Controltrue- Tony Berman Gym Teacher: The Movietrue- The President Daydream Nationtrue- Mr. Wexler Charlie St. Cloudtrue- Principal The Bone Collectortrue- Ortiz's Assistant 36 Hours to Dietrue- Lieutenant Franklin Suicide Squadtrue- Admiral Olsen Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Storytrue- Gavin The Callingtrue- Ian Mason Concrete Canyonstrue- Hoffman Fahrenheit 451true- Major Ron Curtis Heisttrue- Customs Officer 15 Février 1839true- Soldat #3/Deuxième Sentinelle DC 9/11: Time of Crisistrue- Jim Wilkinson Country at Hearttrue- Jeremy 'Jud' Judson Profile Images
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