António da Cunha Telles
António da Cunha Telles
Top Movie Cast
Lisboa no Cinema, Um Ponto de Vistatrue Chamo-me António da Cunha Tellestrue An Indian in War - Life and Work of António-Pedro Vasconcelostrue- Self Born with a Thunderstormtrue In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedotrue Top Movie Crew
The Soft SkintrueProduction
Bocage, the Triumph of LovetrueProduction
Simon CallstrueProduction
Feu Adrien MusettrueProduction
The Eagle and the HorsetrueProduction
Passagem por LisboatrueProduction
Le pays des enfants perdustrueProduction
Querida MãetrueProduction
The ImmortalstrueProduction
Ennemis intimestrueProduction
As Armas e o PovotrueDirecting
Ballad of Dog BeachtrueProduction
Saudades Para Dona GencianatrueProduction
Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-PraiatrueDirecting
Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-PraiatrueWriting
Fin de cursotrueProduction
The Circular TriangletrueProduction
Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-PraiatrueProduction
Continuar a Viver ou Os Índios da Meia-PraiatrueEditing
The Barber of SiberiatrueProduction
Street of No ReturntrueProduction
A Man is not a CattrueProduction
Dores & AmorestrueProduction
D'Artagnan's DaughtertrueProduction
Maria e as OutrastrueProduction
Contrainte par corpstrueProduction
Foreign LandtrueProduction
La rage au cœurtrueProduction
Sex Is ComedytrueProduction
True and Tender is the NorthtrueProduction
Une femme dans la tourmentetrueProduction
Sunday AfternoontrueProduction
Seven Bullets for SelmatrueProduction
The Green YearstrueProduction
How to Draw a Perfect CircletrueProduction
The Mystery of SintratrueProduction
The Crime of Aldeia VelhatrueProduction
Alta FidelidadetrueProduction
Theresa: The Body of ChristtrueProduction
Anatomy of HelltrueProduction
Death in TherapytrueProduction
Les BidochontrueProduction
Amo-te TeresatrueProduction
The Wheat and the TarestrueProduction
Quasimodo d'el ParistrueProduction
The Pact of SilencetrueProduction
On the Edge of the HorizontrueProduction
The Soft SkintrueProduction
Under My SkintrueProduction
Hijos del vientotrueProduction
Sever do Vouga... Uma ExperiênciatrueProduction
Enchanted IslestrueProduction
Change of LifetrueProduction
The Easy WaytrueProduction
Cavaleiros De Água DocetrueProduction
Dribbling FatetrueProduction
The Dead QueentrueProduction
Mausolée pour une garcetrueProduction
Les FranginestrueProduction
Sweet ValentinetrueProduction
Il court, il court, le furet...trueProduction
Love ComedytrueProduction
The Invisible CircustrueProduction
The Charlots ReturntrueProduction
Un asunto privadotrueProduction
Belle ÉpoquetrueProduction
Flesh of My FleshtrueProduction
Sleepwalking LandtrueProduction
Amor PerdidotrueProduction
The Bird WatchertrueProduction
Dark at NoontrueProduction
Les Filles à papatrueProduction
To Catch a KingtrueProduction