David Markham
David Markham
Top Movie Cast
Day for Nighttrue- Doctor Nelson Murder in the Familytrue- Michael Osborne The Stars Look Downtrue- Arthur Barras - Barras' son And Did Those Feet ?true- Timothy Philby, Burgess and Macleantrue- Skardon Medieval England: The Peasants' Revolttrue- Archbishop of Sudbury Meetings with Remarkable Mentrue- Dean Borsh The Master Buildertrue- Ragnar Brovik Gandhitrue- Older Englishman The Life and Times of David Lloyd Georgetrue- Herbert Henry Asquith Two Gentlemen Sharingtrue- Mr Pater Blood from the Mummy's Tombtrue- Doctor Burgess The Rainbirdstrue- Rev. Taylor Tesstrue- Reverend Mr. Clare Richard's Thingstrue- Morris Whose Child Am I?true- Prof. Roland Tales from the Crypttrue- Father Two English Girlstrue- Palmist The Right Persontrue- Jorgen Jorgensen 'That Crazy Woman'true- Judge The Roads of Exiletrue- Richard Davenport Wuthering Heightstrue- Mr. Linton The Blakes Slept Heretrue- Edward