Kazutarō Kuni
Kazutarō Kuni
Top Movie Cast
Cases of An Actor in Disguise: Mansion of beautiestrue Hatamoto taikutsu otoko: nazo no sango yashikitrue Morning Breeze in Edotrue Diary of Good Conduct Matashiro: A beautiful battrue The Acrobats of Deathtrue Lord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice Shoguntrue Echo in the Mountainstrue The Rapacious Jailbreakertrue Bored Hatamoto: The Daimonji Conspiracytrue Red peonies on the skintrue Ishimatsu the Yakuza: Something's Fishytrue Case of Umon: Hell’s Windmilltrue Chikamatsu's Love in Osakatrue Street of Wandering Mentrue The Bride of Headless Islandtrue Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret Swordtrue The Black Hooded Man 4true Yagyu Chronicles 9: Assassin's Swordtrue Gambler: Victory Without Deathtrue Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Styletrue- Yokoyama Kansuke Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue- Kakiuchi Jiro Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshimatrue- Hamida Ryukichi Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy Wartrue Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Templetrue The Hard Core Criminaltrue Sazen Tange and The Secret of the Urntrue Festival of Swordsmentrue Big Time Gambling Bosstrue- Sônosuke Iwakura Code Between Brothers 5true- Shujiro Mine Withered Tree, the Adventures of Monjirotrue Code Between Brothers 2true The Red Shadowtrue- Den'nosuke Fukuhara Return of the Street Fightertrue Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White Tigertrue Red Peony Gambler: Here to Kill Youtrue Operation Plazma in Osakatrue A Spectacular Showdowntrue Lords of Oppression 2true Official with a Tattootrue Bloody Record of the Shinsengumitrue Revenge for His Lovertrue The Princess and the Bearded Lordtrue The Viper Brothers: Up on 30 Chargestrue The Man Who Challenged 8,000,000-Kokutrue- Guard 53 Stages of the Roadtrue Hibari is Fashion Crazytrue Japanese Humanity and Justicetrue