Sergei Troitsky
Sergei Troitsky
Top Movie Cast
Швейк готовится к боюtrue Sovershenno seryoznotrue- посетитель ресторана (новелла «Приятного аппетита») The Prince and the Paupertrue- John Canty Maria, the Wonderful Weavertrue- Altyn Altynynch An Eye for an Eyetrue- Dips The New Adventures of Schweiktrue Kashchey the Immortaltrue The Taras Familytrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Unforgettable Year 1919true Little Friendtrue- man with goose The Captain's Daughtertrue Following the Suntrue- Александр Петрович (человек с венком) Квартирник НТВ у Маргулиса. Новогодний выпуск. Незваные гостиtrue- Сергей "Паук" Троицкий White Nightstrue- merchant The Mexicantrue- judge of a boxing match (uncredited) Quiet Flows the Dontrue- Yemelyan (uncredited) Crazy Daytrue- Medical orderly Приятного аппетитаtrue- посетитель ресторана The Grandpa and His Little Grandsontrue- Little fox (voice, uncredited) A Pipe and a Beartrue- Fedya (voice) Top Movie Crew
An Eye for an EyetrueWriting