Aimée Delamain
Aimée Delamain
Top Movie Cast
Hedgehog Weddingtrue- Lady Bridstock The House in Nightmare Parktrue- Mother Florence Nightingaletrue- Older Committee Lady Haunted: The Ferrymantrue- Woman in Bookstore Little Red Monkeytrue- Mrs. Henley Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?true- Old Woman One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missingtrue- Millicent Getting It Righttrue- Mrs. Arbuthnot Oxford Bluestrue- Lady Belmore Paper Rosestrue- Mrs Hubbard Invitation to the Weddingtrue First and Lasttrue- Elderly Lady Night is the Time For Killingtrue- Penelope The Secrettrue- Miss Lyons VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Nigel Bartontrue- Mrs Morris Santa Claus: The Movietrue- Storyteller Cymbelinetrue- Gentlewoman High Spiritstrue- Great Granny Plunkett Memento Moritrue- Ambulatory Grannie The Amazing Mr. Blundentrue- Elsie Tucker The Raging Moontrue- Alice A Dedicated Mantrue- Miss Bird Doctor Who: The Two Doctorstrue- Doña Arana Two Left Feettrue- Auntie Dancing Countrytrue- Rose Ice Agetrue- Old Spinster