Geoffrey Bateman
Geoffrey Bateman
Top Movie Cast
Heartbreakertrue- Juliette's Father-in-Law Beasts: Special Offertrue- Colin Grimley Hitler's Disastrous Desert Wartrue- Narrator (voice) 30 Years to Lifetrue- Det. Sidney Sharks 3Dtrue- Narrator (voice) Ocean Wonderland 3Dtrue- Narrator (voice) My Son the Fanatictrue- Chief Inspector Fingerhut The Man Who Lived at the Ritztrue- Fuerbach Happiness Never Comes Alonetrue- Bill, administrator Enchanted Interludetrue- English doctor Léon: The Professionaltrue- Swat Chief Doctor Who: Nightmare of Edentrue- Dymond Another Countrytrue- Yevgeni Droit dans le murtrue- Harding The Nights of Alicetrue- John Au petit Marguerytrue- Le client anglais Divino Inferno – Rodin and the Gates of Helltrue- Auguste Rodin Le Dernier Ététrue- Le général Spears Napoleontrue- Cat (voice) The Last Secrets of the Nascatrue- Voice-over One 4 Alltrue- L'avocat américain Khrushchev Does Americatrue- Narrator Operation Foxley: The Assassination of Hitlertrue- Narrator (English) Beryl Markham: A Shadow on the Suntrue- Penrose