Joe Lujan
Joe Lujan
Top Movie Cast
Live Survivaltrue- Pete Jimenez Live Escapetrue- Pete Jimenez The Immortal Wars: Resurgencetrue- Lash Top Movie Crew
Horror NightstrueDirecting
Horror NightstrueProduction
The Immortal Wars: RebirthtrueDirecting
The Immortal Wars: RebirthtrueWriting
Live EscapetrueProduction
The Immortal WarstrueDirecting
The Immortal WarstrueWriting
My Little NightmaretrueDirecting
My Little NightmaretrueWriting
My Little NightmaretrueProduction
The Immortal Wars: RedemptiontrueDirecting
The Immortal Wars: RedemptiontrueWriting
The Immortal Wars: Dekay's ParadoxtrueDirecting
The Immortal Wars: Dekay's ParadoxtrueWriting
Live SurvivaltrueDirecting
Live SurvivaltrueProduction
Atelophobia: Chapter 2trueDirecting
Atelophobia: Chapter 2trueWriting
Atelophobia: Chapter 2trueEditing
The Immortal Wars: ResurgencetrueDirecting
The Immortal Wars: ResurgencetrueWriting
Clown Motel: Spirits ArisetrueCrew
Twas The NighttrueWriting
Twas The NighttrueDirecting
Twas The NighttrueProduction
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