Yuriy Solovyov
Yuriy Solovyov
Top Movie Cast
Comedy of the Strict Regimetrue The House Built on Sandtrue We'll Be Back in the Falltrue- Military Comissar Sleeping Beautytrue- Prince Desire Curfewtrue- командир партизанского отряда Lullabytrue- sergeant Mikheyev We Looked in the Death's Facetrue- офицер из политотдела The Chief of Chukotkatrue- Zyukin The Blue Notebooktrue- Рахья The Captivating Star of Happinesstrue- слуга в доме Раевских While the Mountains Still Stand...true- Потапов Other People's Relativestrue- Pyotr Chizhov Blood Tiestrue- Шаляпин (старпом) Investigator by Professiontrue Charlotte Necklacetrue- прокурор Twenty Days Without Wartrue- Commander Правда лейтенанта Климоваtrue The Quarrel in Lukashitrue Looking for Life Friendtrue Take Alivetrue- Karavaev, regiment commander, major The Last Breadtrue- Aleksei / Aleksey Dyomin Boba and the Elephanttrue While Defending the Front Linetrue- "crossbow" The Soul Callstrue- Udaltsov The Fellows From the Gunboattrue- милиционер The Value of Everythingtrue After the Weddingtrue- Semyon Snow on a Green Fieldtrue The Knight of Prince Villagetrue Top Movie Crew
Everyday MatterstrueDirecting