Zoltán Gera
Zoltán Gera
Top Movie Cast
Four Children in the Floodtrue Mesmertrue- Another Doctor Don't Keep Off the Grasstrue Egy ember, aki nincstrue- Journalist Two Half-Times in Helltrue- Tankó Sándor Kérem a következőt! 4.true- Ernő Teknőc, the Messenger (voice) Kérem a következőt! 5.true- Ernő Teknőc, the Messenger Shot Through the Hearttrue- Nebojis A szerelem bolondjaitrue- Lemming Crime and Punishmenttrue- Praskovya The Bells Have Gone to Rometrue- karszalagos Narcissus and Psychetrue- Orpheum director The Hunchbacktrue- Overweight Noble Max and Helentrue- Elderly Man The Josephine Baker Storytrue- Folies Bergeres Producer A Long Weekend in Pest and Budatrue- Szállodaportás Sunshinetrue- Man at Synagogue For My Babytrue- Jackie Weiss Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Storytrue- Martin Weiss My Way Hometrue- Hadifogoly Krebsz, the Godtrue- Dr. Mikulik Smugglerstrue- Tekejátékos The Long Shadowtrue- Rabbi Rosner Awakeningtrue- Józsi bácsi Rose's Songstrue- Mr. Waltz Return Tickettrue- Nagypapa Magic Huntertrue- Shoemaker Witches' Sabbathtrue- King Weights and Measurestrue- Sviatny Escape to Victorytrue- Viktor A közös kutyatrue- István - kárpitos The Prince and the Paupertrue- Merchant A Sunday Romancetrue- postman Mary, Mother of Jesustrue- Astrologer #1 Csalással nem!true- Bloch Binding Sentimentstrue- Balassa barátja Lily in Lovetrue- Malev Officer