Adrian Cooper
Adrian Cooper
Top Movie Cast
Reminiscências de um Projetotrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
The Memory ThreadtrueCamera
O País dos TenentestrueCamera
32 – A Guerra CiviltrueCamera
Santo and Jesus, MetalworkerstrueEditing
ABC of a StriketrueProduction
ABC of a StriketrueCamera
ABC of a StriketrueEditing
Trabalhadores: Presente!trueCrew
Linha de MontagemtrueCamera
Santo and Jesus, MetalworkerstrueCamera
Captains of the SandstrueArt
The Two Deaths of Quincas WateryelltrueArt
O Coronel e o LobisomemtrueArt
Posthumous MemoriestrueArt
O Segredo dos DiamantestrueArt
Denying BraziltrueEditing
Pedro, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeatrueArt
An Eye and a KnifetrueArt
La Femme au foyertrueCamera
Playing in the DarktrueCamera
Anahy de las MisionestrueCamera
Up Against Them AlltrueCamera
Em Nome da Segurança NacionaltrueCamera
The Battle of Chile: Part ItrueCamera
Astro: An Urban Fable in a Magical Rio de JaneirotrueCamera