Velimir Velev
Velimir Velev
Top Movie Cast
Silent movietrue- Milcho the pianist Chechnyatrue- Abdullah | Kamikaze Terrorist Viking Questtrue- Cell Mate Project: Human Weapontrue- Yak-40 Pilot Conan the Barbariantrue- Prison Clerk The Hitman's Bodyguardtrue- Preacher Murderer Stonehearst Asylumtrue- Schitzo The Expendables 2true- Miner #4 The Tournamenttrue- Bald Assassin The Grey Zonetrue- KS Man Day of the Dead: Bloodlinetrue- Wild Zombie (uncredited) 300: Rise of an Empiretrue- Hermit (uncredited) Man with the Screaming Braintrue- Jackiebot The Turkish Gambittrue- Anvar Spiders II: Breeding Groundtrue- Mime / Spider Subserviencetrue- Surgeon SIM