Mykola Zasieiev-Rudenko
Mykola Zasieiev-Rudenko
Top Movie Cast
Torrents of Steeltrue- adyutant Pokrovskogo Road to Helltrue- Vatslav Shevchikov The Flaming Rocks Treasuretrue They Were Nineteen Years Oldtrue- Viktor Shmarinov Partisan Sparktrue- Вайсман Top Movie Crew
The Muscovite-SorcerertrueDirecting
The Muscovite-SorcerertrueWriting
The Black CounciltrueDirecting
The Black CounciltrueWriting
Listen in the CompartmentstrueDirecting
Warmth of the Chilly EarthtrueDirecting
Road to HelltrueDirecting
Shot in the CoffintrueDirecting
Shot in the CoffintrueWriting
A Mystery Known to AlltrueDirecting
Запорожець за ДунаємtrueDirecting
Без году неделяtrueDirecting
Поездка через городtrueDirecting
Glade of Fairy TalestrueDirecting