Barry Gerson
Barry Gerson
Top Movie Cast
‘Rameau’s Nephew’ by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoentrue Don Barry: A Quixotic Explorationtrue Top Movie Crew
Circling the Edge of the Prescient MomenttrueDirecting
Rolling In My EarstrueDirecting
Stretch and PulltrueDirecting
The UniversetrueDirecting
Blue FolliestrueDirecting
Voluminous CirclestrueDirecting
Snows of ReductiontrueDirecting
Fogged WindowstrueDirecting
Group V: Endurance/Remembrance/MetamorphosistrueDirecting
Group VII: Portrait of Diana/Portrait of Andrew NorentrueDirecting
Group I: Grass/Ice/Snow/VibrationstrueDirecting
Group III: Sunlight/Floating/AfternoontrueDirecting
Group VIII: Hidden Tracings/Exposed FragrancestrueDirecting
Group IV: Beaded Light/Dissolving/BeyondtrueDirecting
Group II: Water/ContemplatingtrueDirecting
Episodes from the Secret LifetrueDirecting
Leaves of LighttrueDirecting
Crystal CanyonstrueDirecting
Shadow SpacetrueDirecting
The Neon RosetrueDirecting
Automatic Free Form FilmtrueDirecting
Translucent AppearancestrueDirecting
The Neon RosetrueProduction
Luminous ZonetrueDirecting
The Secret AbysstrueDirecting
Celluloid IlluminationstrueDirecting
And the Earth OpenedtrueDirecting