J. Michael Long
J. Michael Long
Top Movie Cast
Megalodon!: Great White Godfathertrue- Self UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightingstrue Dark Forces: Shadow Peopletrue- Self American Bikertrue- Narrator Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kindtrue- Self - Narrator A Conspiracy of Lies: Flight 370 to 911true- Narrator Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures: Top Ten Real Monsterstrue- Narrator Alien Contact: Outer Spacetrue- Himself (Narrator) Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encountertrue- Himself (Narrator) Bigfooting in Oklahomatrue Top Movie Crew
Forbidden Knowledge - From Giants to AtlantistrueDirecting
Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal VortextrueDirecting
Ancient Giants of North AmericatrueDirecting
Ancient Giants of North AmericatrueWriting
USO: Aliens and UFOs in the AbysstrueDirecting
Bigfooting in OklahomatrueDirecting
A Race of GiantstrueDirecting
Megalodon!: Great White GodfathertrueDirecting
Alien Chronicles: USOs and Under Water Alien BasestrueDirecting
Ancient Aliens and the New World OrdertrueDirecting
UAP: Unidentified Aerial PhenomenatrueDirecting
Ancient Alien AmericatrueDirecting
Alien Artifacts: Pyramids, Monoliths and MarvelstrueDirecting
UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary SightingstrueWriting
Crossfire: The Plot that Killed KennedytrueProduction
A Race of GiantstrueEditing
Bigfooting in OklahomatrueProduction
Aliens In EgypttrueDirecting
UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary SightingstrueDirecting
Alien Contact: Outer SpacetrueProduction
Alien Artifacts: The Outer DimensionstrueDirecting
Indistinguishable from MagictrueDirecting
Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the IlluminatitrueDirecting
Aliens at the PentagontrueDirecting
Alien AgendatrueDirecting
American BikertrueDirecting
Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th KindtrueProduction
Sasquatch HunterstrueDirecting
Dark Forces: Shadow PeopletrueDirecting
American BikertrueWriting
A Conspiracy of Lies: Flight 370 to 911trueDirecting
America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO EncounterstrueDirecting
American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea CreaturestrueDirecting
Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th KindtrueDirecting
A Conspiracy of Lies: Flight 370 to 911trueProduction
America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO EncounterstrueWriting
Alien Crash RetrievalstrueWriting
Alien Crash RetrievalstrueDirecting
Born in Light: TeslatrueDirecting
Angels and Demons Are RealtrueDirecting
Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures: Top Ten Real MonsterstrueWriting
Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures: Top Ten Real MonsterstrueDirecting
Alien Contact: Outer SpacetrueDirecting
Project Blue Book ExposedtrueDirecting
Crossfire: The Plot that Killed KennedytrueDirecting
Aliens and Pyramids: Forbidden KnowledgetrueDirecting
Alien MessiahtrueDirecting
Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO EncountertrueDirecting
Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO EncountertrueProduction
Alien Worlds: Giants and HybridstrueDirecting
Aliens & HippiestrueDirecting
Alien Chronicles Top Ufo EncounterstrueDirecting