Diomid Vinogradov
Diomid Vinogradov
Top Movie Cast
Ай да Пушкинtrue- (voice) Sheep & Wolvestrue- Moz (voice) Sinbad: Pirates of the Seven Stormstrue- Mansur (voice) The Snow Queen 2: Refreezetrue Pinocchio: A True Storytrue- Tybalt (voice) Cats in the Museumtrue- Moris / Prizrak / Buldog / Galon (voice) The Tale of Peter and Fevroniatrue Dogs at the Operatrue- (voice) The Nutcracker and the Magic Flutetrue Вовка и зима в Тридевятом царствеtrue- Tsar Masha and the Bear: 12 Monthstrue- Mesyatsy The Big Trip 3: Race Around the Worldtrue- Мик Мик / Дракон Папа / Питон / Пеликан Дюк The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Icetrue- Orm (voice) The Fixies: Top Secrettrue- профессор Чудаков The Princess and the Dragontrue- King Vasilisa The Lazytrue- (voice) Fixies VS Crabotstrue- Geniy Evgenievich Chudakov The Everlasting Storytrue- Vasily / Nightingale the Robber / Yerema (voice) Space Dogs: Tropical Adventuretrue- Tolya / Cat (voice) Cheburashka, The Secret of the Holidaytrue- Gibus (voice) Secret of the Sukharev Tower. Magician of Balancetrue- Kubik (voice)