Thuraya Fakhry
Thuraya Fakhry
Top Movie Cast
Return My Hearttrue- الدادة Sheikh Hassantrue- Umm Nabawiya The Lady on the Traintrue The Lady of the Housetrue- Om Ali Who's Done it ?true- Nabwiya Hanim Always With Youtrue- Tafida's aunt Days and Nightstrue- أم فاطمة Rendezvous with a Strangertrue- rashad's mother Umm Ratibatrue- sayed's mother The Black Candlestrue- Halima Tough Roadtrue- Salwa's mother The Fifth Groomtrue- Alia - Bahira Hanem's maid Salah al-Din al-Ayyubitrue- Princess Salma's bridesmaid Albi Ala Walditrue- Zahira Hanem On the stage of lifetrue- Aisha Hanem Runaway from Marriagetrue- Esther - Sarina's mother Widow Wantedtrue- Umm Ali The Laughing Crimetrue- الداده Layla in the darktrue- الدادة A Lebanese at the universitytrue Girls of Todaytrue- Buthaina's mother Women Can’t Lietrue- Um Yanni Ismail Yassine Yukabel Raya Wa Sekinatrue- Nono's mother Love lettertrue- Inayat Hanem The Beginning and the Endtrue Nour al-Din and the Three Sailorstrue Between Heaven and Earthtrue Rule of Timetrue- Inayat Hanem The Black Markettrue- أم محمود Bein Al-Atlaltrue- الدادا A lie within a lietrue- مديرة ملجأ الاطفال Passion and Revengetrue- مباركة Love Is Forbiddentrue- Seteta - Aziz's mother Salwa fi mahab el rihtrue El Habeb El Maghooltrue- Halima Ismail Yassine Tarazantrue Dearest Belovedtrue- الخاطبه Qesset Gharamtrue- Dada Amina Samara's Ghosttrue- والدة فؤاد Mawa'ed Ma' Almadytrue- Farida El Ragol El Thaalabtrue- شغالة فى منزل شريف Serr el harebatrue- رسمية هانم I Killed My Wifetrue- Umm Hamed Leila, Daughter of the Poortrue- Umm Samira Hanem The honorable thieftrue- Fathia's aunt Chabab El Yomtrue- Umm Nawal Ghaltet El Omrtrue- Umm Munira The King of Petroltrue- Mabrouka Les Miserablestrue- School Principal Bayn Narayntrue- Umm Alia El Nagham El Hazeentrue- Umm Mohamed Women's guiletrue- Umm Nabeeh Habibi El Asmartrue- آسمة The Time of Miraclestrue- نفيسة Appointment with Happinesstrue A Voice From The Pasttrue