Calle Marthin
Calle Marthin
Top Movie Cast
Bamse and the Volcano Islandtrue- Narrator (voice) Bamse and the World's Smallest Adventuretrue- Berättaren (voice) Dr. Kokos Kärlekslaboratoriumtrue- Various Top Movie Crew
Beck 46 - The Crying CoptrueProduction
Beck 45 - 58 MinutestrueProduction
Beck 41 - Death in SamarratrueProduction
Beck 40 - Beyond Reasonable DoubttrueProduction
Beck - Den förlorade sonentrueProduction
Beck 39 - UndercovertrueProduction
Doris & Bettan - Marbella MayhemtrueProduction
Beck 43 - Haunted by the PasttrueProduction
Beck 44 - Rage RoomtrueProduction
Stormskerry MajatrueProduction
Bamse and the World's Smallest AdventuretrueWriting
Bamse and the World's Smallest AdventuretrueProduction
Ebbe - The Movie: Mannen, Myten, AffärentrueWriting
Beck 47 - The Death TraptrueProduction
Beck 48 - Quid Pro QuotrueProduction
The Girl with the NeedletrueProduction
My Father MariannetrueProduction
Dr. Kokos KärlekslaboratoriumtrueWriting