Gennadiy Yalovich
Gennadiy Yalovich
Top Movie Cast
A Martian Arrived on An Autumn Nighttrue Moscow Does Not Believe in Tearstrue- Dima Walking the Streets of Moscowtrue Honest, Smart, Unmarried...true- Kashkin (as G. Yalovich) Five Minutes of Feartrue- Андрей Николаевич (режиссёр театра, сосед Каретникова по даче) Thirty-threetrue- Arkadiy Borisovich Sheremetyev The Adventures of the Electronictrue- gang member Ladies Invite Gentlementrue- store director in Povarikhino If I Were the Boss...true The Black Triangletrue- Гоша Челим The Utinoozyorsk Accidenttrue Looking for a Mantrue- Tolya Dimka Got Angrytrue- папа Fuss of the Fussestrue- The Man in Cafe Afonyatrue- режиссёр в театре I'm Staying with Youtrue- пассажир трамвая Tears Were Fallingtrue- Ptashuk Когда играет клавесинtrue- Oleg Top Movie Crew
And We Are Twenty!trueDirecting