Tony Newton
Tony Newton
Top Movie Cast
Plague of the Deadtrue- Jake The Amityville Exorcisttrue- Jake Schlock-O-Ramatrue- Masked Killer "Segment SOV" Not for the Faint of Hearttrue- Himself VHS Love: Cult Cinema Obsessiontrue- Self Penny Pinchers 2: Scenes from the Undergroundtrue- Interviewee Gore Theatretrue- Killer (segment "Snuff Underground X") Dark Web: Mystery Boxtrue- Tonez 60 Seconds 2 Die: 60 Seconds to Die 2true- (segment "Happy Birthday To Me") VHS Violencetrue- Masked Killer Bootleg Death Tape IItrue- Killer (Segment: SNUFF 237) Found Footage of Feartrue- Jack Bootleg Death Tape IIItrue Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!true- Self Top Movie Crew
Creepypasta: DeathnettrueDirecting
Amityville HextrueWriting
Amityville HextrueDirecting
60 Seconds to Die 3trueDirecting
60 Seconds to Die 3trueWriting
Carnal RedemptiontrueProduction
VHS Love: Cult Cinema ObsessiontrueDirecting
VHS Love: Cult Cinema ObsessiontrueWriting
Welcome to HelltrueWriting
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!trueDirecting
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!trueWriting
Die Gest: Flesh EatertrueDirecting
The Amityville ExorcisttrueCrew
The Amityville ExorcisttrueProduction
The Amityville ExorcisttrueEditing
Trash Arts KillerstrueProduction
Schlock Lives!trueDirecting
American SasquatchtrueDirecting
Faces of Dying IItrueDirecting
Carnal MonsterstrueProduction
Faces of Dying VtrueDirecting
The Amityville ExorcisttrueWriting
Amityville GhoststrueWriting
The Amityville ExorcisttrueDirecting
Dark MixtapetrueDirecting
Gore Grind 2trueDirecting
O' Bloody NighttrueDirecting
Previews of Coming AttractionstrueDirecting
Plague of the DeadtrueProduction
Plague of the DeadtrueWriting
Plague of the DeadtrueCrew
Plague of the DeadtrueEditing
Plague of the DeadtrueDirecting
Plague of the DeadtrueProduction
A Taste of PhobiatrueDirecting
Necro LesbianstrueProduction
Deep Web XXXtrueDirecting
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!trueProduction
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!trueEditing
Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!trueProduction
VHS Lives: A SchlockumentarytrueDirecting
VHS Lives 2: Undead FormattrueDirecting
Frames of FeartrueDirecting
Frames of FeartrueWriting
Frames of FeartrueEditing
Frames of FeartrueProduction
Faces of SnufftrueDirecting
Snuff VideotrueProduction
Theatre of the Deranged IIItrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 4: MeltsploitationtrueProduction
Grindsploitation 4: MeltsploitationtrueWriting
Grindsploitation 4: MeltsploitationtrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 7: ClownsploitationtrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 9: Revenge of the SchlocktrueDirecting
VHS Violence II: VHS and KILLtrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 5: SchlocksploitationtrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 5: SchlocksploitationtrueProduction
Grindsploitation 2: The Lost ReelstrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 3: Video NastytrueDirecting
Oh! The Horror!trueWriting
Oh! The Horror!trueDirecting
Tapes of DeathtrueDirecting
Faces of Dying VItrueDirecting
Virus of the DeadtrueDirecting
Virus of the DeadtrueWriting
Virus of the DeadtrueWriting
Toxic SchlocktrueDirecting
60 Seconds 2 Die: 60 Seconds to Die 2trueDirecting
Conspiracy XtrueProduction
Gore TheatretrueDirecting
Grindsploitation 666trueDirecting
Zombie (UK)trueProduction
Zombie (UK)trueProduction
Zombie (UK)trueProduction
Dark Web: Mystery BoxtrueDirecting
Dark Web: Mystery BoxtrueWriting
Angry Asian Murder HornetstrueProduction
Grindsploitation 8: Drive-In GrindhousetrueDirecting
Faces of FeartrueProduction
Faces of FeartrueProduction
SNUFF MIXTAPEtrueProduction
Tapes of Death Chapter 2trueDirecting