Lev Zolotukhin
Lev Zolotukhin
Top Movie Cast
Argonautstrue- Eet (voice) The House is Being Builttrue Экзамен на бессмертиеtrue Two Versions of the Same Collisiontrue Blokada: Pulkovskiy merediantrue- Pavel Maksimovich Korolev In the Last Placetrue- Ivan Pavlovich, otets Larisy i Alika This Fantastic World 6true- Ли Via Gobi and Khingantrue- Aleksandr Vasilevskiy marshal Resurrectiontrue- Prosecutor I Am Twentytrue- Anya's father No Fear, No Blametrue- Vladimir Koval The Limit of Possibletrue The Hot Snowtrue- Семён Иванович Яценко, генерал-майор, начальник штаба дивизии Особое мнениеtrue- начальник отдела кадров The Siege: Leningrad Metronometrue- Colonel Pavel Korolyov The Siege: Operation "Iskra"true- Colonel Pavel Korolyov Blockade: The Luga Defense Linetrue- Colonel Pavel Korolyov Our Callingtrue- отец Ваньки Гарюхина Story of a Human Hearttrue- Andrey Nikolayevich Russkiy Suvenirtrue- Ivan Bobrov They Conquer the Skiestrue- Gordeyev Annushkatrue- Pyotr, Annushka's husband Hello, Children!true- Prof. Innokentyev Лавина с горtrue- Gritsyuk Krinitsytrue- Artyom Zakharovich Borodka Shot In The Backtrue- Виктор Иванович