Aurel Giurumia
Aurel Giurumia
Top Movie Cast
Pistruiatul 2: Ascunzișuritrue- Gruia Doi Băieți ca Pâinea Caldătrue- Alecu Son of the Mountainstrue- Erick Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?true The Redheadtrue- Pompiliu Spiridon Circus Performers at the North Poletrue- Pincu Leib Melodii, melodiitrue- secretar ARIA Hurry Slowlytrue- Popovici Operation 'The Bus'true- Iama The Cyanide and the Raindroptrue- Gheorghiu Sentimental Summertrue- Ion Gorun The City Seen from Abovetrue Hazelnut Chocolatetrue- Vică Together Againtrue- Smarandache Ana and the Thieftrue- Caragea The Premieretrue- Boiangiu Anything for Soccertrue- antrenorul echipei 'Gloria'