Anthony D.P. Mann
Anthony D.P. Mann
Top Movie Cast
The Abominations of Frankensteintrue- Heinrich Von Frankenstein Bug-Eyed Monsters Invade the Earth!true A Christmas Caroltrue- Ebenezer Scrooge Ghostkeeperstrue- Victor Brimstone A Phantom of the Operatrue- The Phantom Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watcherstrue- Sherlock Holmes Blood Rites of the Vampyrtrue- The Monk Top Movie Crew
Terror of DraculatrueDirecting
Bug-Eyed Monsters Invade the Earth!trueDirecting
The Abominations of FrankensteintrueWriting
Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow WatcherstrueDirecting
A Christmas CaroltrueDirecting
A Phantom of the OperatrueSound
A Phantom of the OperatrueDirecting
A Phantom of the OperatrueWriting