Kanta Sato
Kanta Sato
Top Movie Cast
HiGH&LOW The Movie 3: Final Missiontrue- Tettsu (Ab)normal Desiretrue- Daiya Morohashi Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movietrue- Haruto Fukasawa Warship Boytrue- Kaisei Sakamoto Undead Loverstrue- Jun Kono Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 1: High Schooltrue- Naoki Irie Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 2: Campustrue- Naoki Irie Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 3: Proposetrue- Naoki Irie High & Low The Red Raintrue- Tettsu Love and Liestrue- Sosuke Takachiho HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Skytrue- Tettsu DTC –Yukemuri Junjo Hen– from HiGH&LOWtrue- Tettsu Missions of Lovetrue- Akira Shimokki Run! T High School Basketball Clubtrue- 牧園浩司 Bento Harassmenttrue- Tatsuo Yamashita Road To High & Lowtrue- Tettsu Sketches of Lifetrue- Ryota Tanaka High & Low The Worsttrue- Tettsu High & Low The Movietrue- Tettsu We Made a Beautiful Bouquettrue- Shouma Tomikoji My Neighbor's Masalatrue- Sawaki Tatsuya