Ferenc Bács
Ferenc Bács
Top Movie Cast
Gloomy Sundaytrue- Botschafter The Train Killertrue- Kovács Brady’s Escapetrue- Wortmann Legyél te is Bonca!true- Bence papa The Man Who Went Up in Smoketrue Circus Maximustrue- Francois Another Waytrue- Szlabonya Gréti - A Dog's Notestrue- Szultán (voice) Stop Mom Theresa!true- Nõgyógyász Death in Shallow Watertrue- Dobos (voice) Temporary Paradisetrue- Egy magyar ezredes The Mace with Three Sealstrue- Generalul Basta The Vulturetrue- Kowarski Elõd The Émigré: Everything is Differenttrue- Márai Sándor Profile Images
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