Barry Stanton
Barry Stanton
Top Movie Cast
The Search for Alexander the Greattrue- Cleitus Demons of the Mindtrue- Ernst A Kid in King Arthur's Courttrue- Blacksmith Richard IItrue- Welsh Captain Henry IV: Part 1true- Falstaff Henry IV: Part 2true- Falstaff Henry VI: House of Lancastertrue- Duke of York Henry VI: House of Yorktrue- Duke of York Richard IIItrue- Second Murderer Shanghai Knightstrue- Lord Chancellor Theban Plays: Oedipus at Colonustrue- Chorus Robberytrue- Car Lot owner Tell Me Liestrue- Film Editor 1 Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemmatrue- Noma King of the Windtrue- Chef Richard Carpathian Eagletrue- Tony The Madness of King Georgetrue- Sheridan Don Quixotetrue- Chaplain