Hidesuke Sone
Hidesuke Sone
Top Movie Cast
Gang Loyalty and Vengeancetrue Main Street in the Underworldtrue Utau myōjō seishun ga ippaitrue A Fishwife's Taletrue- Tashiro A Fugitive from the Pasttrue- Owner of Asahi Spa Brutal Tales of Chivalrytrue The Prickly Mouthed Geisha, Part 4true- Najimu Tales of President Mitotrue Excursion to Treasure Isletrue- Squire The Story of Pure Lovetrue- Middle-aged man With Songs in My Hearttrue Duel of the Underworldtrue Mannen Taro and His Feminine Colleaguestrue Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarōtrue Seven-Color Mask: Three Ace - Midday Kidnapping Ordertrue