Tokumaro Dan
Tokumaro Dan
Top Movie Cast
Yakuza Princess of Edotrue- Kinai Lord Mito 2: The Nation's Vice Shoguntrue Fall of the Shogun's Militiatrue Travels of Lord Mito Pt.7true Hatamoto taikutsu otoko torimono hikae: Dokusatsu madentrue Yaji And Kita's Traveling Diarytrue- Magician Tales of Young Genji Kurotrue Yagyu Chronicles 1: Secret Scrollstrue Shimizu Port of Chivalrytrue Kagemaru of the Iga Clantrue- Kumomaru Swordsman of the Two Sword Styletrue Secret of The Golden Spelltrue- Ippu-Sosho Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Templetrue Blood Spilled at Takadanobabatrue- Genjihei Segawa Merciless Blade Part 3true Hanjiro of Kusama: Bird of Passagetrue The Scarlet Cherry Lordtrue A Spectacular Showdowntrue Warriors of Ako: Scroll of Heaven, Scroll of Earthtrue- Yasuke Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyestrue- Hakuten The Domain: Kanda Festival Showdowntrue Bored Hatamoto: Island of No Returntrue Last Days of Edotrue- Shunkichi Ishida The Brothers who Protect the Mountaintrue