Lee Yiu-King
Lee Yiu-King
Top Movie Cast
Return Engagementtrue- Kun's Thug The Iron Coffin of Western Xiatrue- Liao Zhengkun The Queen Left the Palacetrue Running on Emptytrue- Thug This Man Is Dangeroustrue- Mainland Gang Member Seven Warriorstrue- Guard/Bandit Taoist Monster Huntertrue- Pan Xing Casino Tycoontrue- Chang's Thug Casino Tycoon IItrue- Ta Tung's Hired Killer Five Element Ninjastrue- Lin Mu The Four 3true- General Di Her Fatal Waystrue- Jung's Man Fight Back to School 3true- Lam Tai Ngok's bodyguard Return to a Better Tomorrowtrue- Rascal Hard Boiledtrue- Gangster The Weird Mantrue- Sun Ce's bodyguard Skyline Cruiserstrue- Ah Lok The Hidden Towntrue- Ge Tianma Bullet in the Headtrue- Mr. Leong's Thug Tiger Cage IItrue- Assassin The Hidden Town 2true- Ge Tianma Prince Charmingtrue- Crazy Simon's Thug Secret Service of the Imperial Courttrue- Brocade Guard / Soldier The Story of Tang Bohutrue Girl with the Diamond Slippertrue- Terry's Thug Mercenaries from Hong Kongtrue- Thug Rich and Famoustrue- Chai's Gangster The Crazy Companies IItrue- Thug Descendant of the Suntrue Opium and the Kung Fu Mastertrue- Gua Si's Worker