Lane Bradford
Lane Bradford
Top Movie Cast
Silver Buttetrue- Randolph Prairie Piratestrue- Henchman Cooper Shadow Valleytrue- Cowhand Bob Silver Rangetrue- Browning Journey to Shilohtrue- Case Pettibone Law and Ordertrue- Rider Announcing Sheriff's Return (uncredited) I Was an American Spytrue- Jeep Driver (uncredited) Devil's Canyontrue- Guard (uncredited) African Treasuretrue- Hardy Black Hillstrue- Henchman Al Cooper The Fighting Redheadtrue- Henchman Windy Rose of Cimarrontrue- Mike Finch The Invisible Monstertrue- Burton Man with the Steel Whiptrue- Tosco Desert Passagetrue- Langdon The Golden Idoltrue- Joe Hawkins The Toughest Gun in Tombstonetrue- Curly Bill Brosius Code of the Silver Sagetrue- Henchman Watson The Forty-Ninerstrue- Bill Norris Adventures of Frank and Jesse Jamestrue- Henchman Bill [Chs. 4-5, 11-12] Oklahoma Justicetrue- Henchman Deuce Logan Roll, Thunder, Roll!true- Henchman Wolf San Antone Ambushtrue- Al Thomas Dead Man's Goldtrue- Mayor Evans The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Goldtrue- Wilson Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'true- Townsman (uncredited) Satan's Satellitestrue- Marex A Distant Trumpettrue- Major Miller The Lone Rider in Ghost Towntrue- Cowhand on Boardwalk Tornado Rangetrue- Henchman Thorne Crash of Moonstrue- Lasvon South of the Chisholm Trailtrue- Henchman (uncredited) The Far Frontiertrue- Butch - Henchman The Wyoming Bandittrue- Buck - Henchman Don Daredevil Rides Againtrue- Henchman Weber Stage to Blue Rivertrue- Tom Reardon Frisco Tornadotrue- Henchman Mike Bristol Hills of Oklahomatrue- Henchman Webb The Missourianstrue- Lead henchman The Old Frontiertrue- Henchman Spud Cowboy and the Prizefightertrue- Hired gun Deuce Sampson The Desert Hawktrue- Standard Bearer Desperadoes' Outposttrue- Henchman Mike Fort Osagetrue- Rawlins - Henchman The Gunmantrue- Henchman Jack Gatlin The Fighting Buckarootrue- Henchman (uncredited) Man from the Black Hillstrue- Sheriff Moran Night Raiderstrue- Henchman Talbot Zombies of the Stratospheretrue- Marex Dead Man's Trailtrue- Brad Duncan Kansas Territorytrue- Fred Jethro Overland Riderstrue- Deputy Ghost Town Renegadestrue- Waco Return of the Lashtrue- Dave The James Brothers of Missouritrue- Monk Tucker Sundown in Santa Fetrue- Bronc Owens Check Your Gunstrue- Henchman Slim Grogan The Hawk of Powder Rivertrue- Henchman Cooper Western Renegadestrue- Frank (uncredited) Death Valley Gunfightertrue- Snake Richards Bandit King of Texastrue- Cal Barker Law of the Golden Westtrue- Henchman Belden Wanted: Dead or Alivetrue- 'Utah' Grant - Henchman Stagecoach Drivertrue- Sam Jenkins - Henchman Prince of the Plainstrue- Keller - Henchman South of Riotrue- Henchman Tex Son of Belle Starrtrue- Beacher Savage Frontiertrue- Tulsa Tom - Henchman The Great Sioux Uprisingtrue- Lee Ten Gentlemen from West Pointtrue- Recruit (uncredited) The Gun Hawktrue- Joe Sully Apache Warriortrue- Sgt. Gaunt Forbidden Moontrue- Landor, Yarra's bodyguard Silver Needle in the Skytrue- Duveen, the spy Fall Intrue- Military Policeman Silver Needle in the Skytrue- Duveen Showdown at Abilenetrue- Loop Drums Across the Rivertrue- Ralph Costa The Slender Threadtrue- Al McCardle