Davis Lee DeRock Jr.
Davis Lee DeRock Jr.
Top Movie Cast
Found Wandering Losttrue- Tim Devil's Food Caketrue- Traveler The Iron Detective: Sentineltrue- Annoyed Patron / Kevin Pollux (Voice) The Iron Detective: Bitter Hearttrue- Reporter / Dark Rider / Annoyed Bar Patron (voice) The Iron Detective: The Exonetic Divisiontrue- Nathan Christmas at the Chateautrue- Max Below the Foldtrue- David Fremont Adiratrue- Ernst Schaffer Top Movie Crew
The Iron Detective: The Exonetic DivisiontrueCrew
The Iron Detective: SentineltrueProduction
The Iron Detective: SentineltrueCrew
The Iron Detective: Bitter HearttrueProduction
The Iron Detective: Bitter HearttrueEditing
The Iron Detective: Bitter HearttrueDirecting
The Iron Detective: Bitter HearttrueWriting
The Iron Detective: The Exonetic DivisiontrueWriting
Broken TrailtrueDirecting