Izzy Lee
Izzy Lee
Top Movie Cast
13 Minutes of Horror: Sci-Fi Horrortrue- Ghost ("Memento Mori") House of Ashestrue- Reporter Narrator 2 Bring Us Your Womentrue- Persephone (Segment: "Sirens") Disco Graveyardtrue- Narrator Something Wicked This Way Comestrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Meat FriendtrueProduction
Memento MoritrueDirecting
Dark SignalstrueDirecting
ShevengetrueCostume & Make-Up
Memento MoritrueProduction
13 Minutes of Horror: Sci-Fi HorrortrueDirecting
13 Minutes of Horror: Sci-Fi HorrortrueWriting
Bring Us Your WomentrueDirecting
House of AshestrueDirecting
Rites of VengeancetrueDirecting
For a Good Time, Call...trueDirecting
Rites of VengeancetrueWriting
House of AshestrueWriting
House of AshestrueProduction
60 Seconds to DietrueDirecting
The Obliteration of the ChickenstrueDirecting
The Obliteration of the ChickenstrueProduction
The Obliteration of the ChickenstrueWriting
Disco GraveyardtrueWriting
Disco GraveyardtrueDirecting
Disco GraveyardtrueProduction
Consider the TitanictrueProduction
Consider the TitanictrueDirecting
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