Kinichi Hanabusa
Kinichi Hanabusa
Top Movie Cast
Yakuza Princess of Edotrue- Torayoshi Lady Sen and Hideyoritrue Echo in the Mountainstrue Fangs of Darkness 2: Ieyasu's Headtrue Hibari the Traveling Performertrue The Yagyu Military Art: One Eyed Swordsmantrue Feisty Edo Girl Nakanori-santrue Bride of White Castletrue Travels of Hibari and Chiemitrue Hibari is Fashion Crazytrue The Actress vs. the Greedy Sharkstrue Snake Princess: Oshima and Sentarotrue Case of the Hidden Cointrue The Edo Official and Apprenticetrue Ishimatsu: the One-Eyed Avengertrue Paper Crane Palanquintrue- Gorohachi