Akiko Santo
Akiko Santo
Top Movie Cast
Police Precinct Part 14true 53 Stages of the Roadtrue Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarōtrue- Ruriko(as Akiko Santo) The Sun of Love and Tearstrue- Hanayakko Dump, Hip, Bump: Give it to me Guys!true The Kanto Region Is Also Expandingtrue Ghost Story on Passagetrue One Passed Through Helltrue The Diary of a Sex Counsellor 2true Street of Wandering Mentrue The Travel notes of Choshichiro - Peregrine Goblintrue A contest worth a thousand ryo: In search of a bridetrue Moonlight Mask: The Last Death of the Deviltrue With Songs in My Hearttrue Moonlight Mask: The Challenging Ghosttrue Sister with Sistertrue- Hide The Mansion of Intriguetrue- Kikuji The Acrobats of Deathtrue Sleepy Eyes of Death 7: The Mask of the Princesstrue Crimes of Sextrue- Sachiko Ikeuchi King Kong Escapestrue- (voice) Mannen Taro and His Feminine Colleaguestrue