Lyudmila Gnilova
Lyudmila Gnilova
Top Movie Cast
About Bunny Oi and Bunny Aitrue- (voice) Valuable Parceltrue- (voice) Записки Пиквикского клубаtrue Tanks Are Running on Tagankatrue- Nurse Barbara Rabbit from Cabbage Gardentrue- Mother (voice) Encore, Once More Encore!true- Lidiya Arkadyevna Barkhatova Treasures of the Sunken Shipstrue The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeptrue- Mouse from respectable family (voice) Welcometrue- Squirrel (voice) Underwater Beretstrue- Crab (voice) Give Me a Complaints Booktrue- Тамара (студентка, озв. Мария Виноградова) The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin. Film 2true- Пепе The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin. Film 1true- Пепе The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin. Film 3true- Пепе Teremoktrue- Rabbit / Mouse / Frog / Mosquito (voice) Light of a Distant Startrue Записки Пиратаtrue- щенок, мама Вити Chatterboxtrue- The Mouse (voice) Пропал Петя-петушокtrue- The Mouse (voice) The Bullfinchtrue- мальчик Maria, Mirabellatrue- (voice) Pennytrue- Little kitten (voice) Приключение на плотуtrue- The Mouse (voice) / мышонок, бельчонок The Little Elephant and a Lettertrue- Calf (voice) / Телёнок Эй, на том берегу!true- Лисёнок Strawberry Raintrue- The Little Fox (voice) / Лисёнок The Tale of the Old Echotrue- Лисёнок Big Eartrue- Kondrat the Bat (voice) / Кондрат, летучий мышонок Pot of Porridgetrue- Voice He Was Caught!true- Squirrel (voice) Everyone Got Caught...true Пилюляtrue- The hedgehog (voice) Flower of the Nighttrue- The fox (voice) Three on an Islandtrue- Mila (voice) Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходилиtrue- (voice) Fantiktrue- Jerboa (voice, uncredited) It's Impossible Without Ittrue Pushkin's Fairy Talestrue About Good and Evil, and About a Long Tonguetrue- Osan Grandmother's Birthdaytrue- Ryzhik (voice, uncredited) Шапка-невидимкаtrue- Girl (voice) Grandfather Mazai and Otherstrue- (voice)