Roger Clark
Roger Clark
Top Movie Cast
You Belong to Metrue- Frederick Vandemer Meet the Stewartstrue- Ted Graham Girls in Chainstrue- Frank Donovan Secrets of the Lone Wolftrue- Paul Benoit A Song for Miss Julietrue- Stephen Mont The Daring Young Mantrue- Ted Johnson So This Is Washingtontrue- Robert Blevins The Man Who Returned to Lifetrue- Harland Walker The Lady Is Willingtrue- Victor Two Yanks in Trinidadtrue- James W. Buckingham III Advise & Consenttrue- Senator (uncredited) Angel Babytrue- Sam Wilcox Faces in the Fogtrue- Sgt. O'Donnell Honolulu Lutrue- Bill Van Derhoolt Submarine Raidertrue- Grant Duncan Parachute Nursetrue- Minor Role The Wife Takes a Flyertrue- Keith Swing Your Partnertrue- Johnny Murphy Laugh Your Blues Awaytrue- Blake Henley Destroyertrue- Chief Engineer They All Kissed the Bridetrue- Stephen Pettingill One Dangerous Nighttrue- John Sheldon II Lost Lagoontrue- Millard Cauley In the Meantime, Darlingtrue- Lt. Sullivan