Ric Mancini
Ric Mancini
Top Movie Cast
Ghostbusterstrue- Policeman at Apartment The Formulatrue- Printman Murder Me, Murder Youtrue- Cal Pope Nickelodeontrue- Patents Thug Thursday's Gametrue- Bartender Aloha Summertrue- Angelo Tognetti The Runnin' Kindtrue- Mr. Tataglia Jury Duty: The Comedytrue High Mountain Rangerstrue- Sheriff Dante A Streetcar Named Desiretrue- Steve The Ordeal of Patty Hearsttrue- Desk Sergeant Ed Woodtrue- Photographer #2 (uncredited) Deep Covertrue- Congressman Hollywood Vice Squadtrue- Hood #2 Penitentiary IIItrue- Warden Two Shades of Bluetrue- Branch Manager The 4th Tenortrue- Neighbor Man They Call Me Bruce?true- Don Atelli The Don Is Deadtrue- Sabatini Friday the 13th: A New Beginningtrue- Mayor Cobb To Kill a Coptrue- Mike Cusack