Nikolay Smorchkov
Nikolay Smorchkov
Top Movie Cast
Friends From the Camptrue Antikiller 2: Antiterrortrue Don't Wake a Sleeping Dogtrue Executor of the Sentencetrue Ballad of a Soldiertrue- The Soldier at Ferry (uncredited) War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonskytrue- Russian Soldier War and Peace, Part IV: Pierre Bezukhovtrue- Russian Soldier (uncredited) War and Peacetrue- Russian Soldier War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812true- Russian Soldier (uncredited) The Eastern Corridor, or the Software Racket...true- Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov Ivan's Childhoodtrue- Starshina (uncredited) Twice Borntrue- wounded soldier Tsar Ivan the Terribletrue A Cruel Romancetrue- priest Chicherintrue- Grigoriy Ivanovich Petrovskiy (as N. Smorchkov) Land and Peopletrue- Petya The Red Tenttrue- The Seaman (uncredited) One Times Onetrue- Subbotnik Leader Right of First Signaturetrue The Cranes Are Flyingtrue- Zakharov The Little Runawaytrue- builder Black Princetrue- эксперт-фотограф Via Gobi and Khingantrue- Martufenko Polar Fox Napoleon IIItrue- director of the animal farm Swindlerstrue- сотрудник МУРа The Secret of the Notebooktrue- Pokupatel In Square 45true- young saboteur The Limit of Possibletrue Story of an Unknown Actortrue A Ring from Amsterdamtrue Love in Russian 2true- лесник Фролов Five Days, Five Nightstrue- Tkatschenko The Siberian Womantrue- Аникеев You're Happy, Zhenka!true Youth Streettrue- Колесник, крановщик Through Icy Hazetrue- Mikhail Kalinin You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?true- представитель исполкома Front Without Flankstrue- partisan sailor The Legend of Tilltrue- nobleman The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- master of entertainment I'm Staying with Youtrue- солдат Incorrigible Liartrue- foreign ministry employee (uncredited) Not Under the Jurisdictiontrue- Kolya You to Me, Me to Youtrue- police lieutenant The Judgmenttrue- man at a court hearing (uncredited) The End of the Lyubavinestrue- peasant It Began This Way...true- Gennadiy Once Upon a Time in the Provincestrue- doctor Khatanbaatartrue- Second Lieutenant People's Khatanbaatartrue- Second Lieutenant По следу властелинаtrue- охотник Shot In The Backtrue- Кирпичников, сотрудник угрозыска «SOS» над тайгойtrue- пилот вертолёта Days of the Turbinstrue- поручик